I wondered where these kisses and hugs come from. Then I searched it on the internet by using the Google search engine. I found that the X may have functioned as a sort of early emoticon representing a "stylized picture of two mouths touching each other." I think that is what people always thought. Yes, it makes sense.

However it may also be described originally as a Christian cross and the first letter of the Greek word for Christ, Xristos. It is said that people used to put the X at the bottom of a document as a signature. Then they would kissed the X as a crucifix or bible was kissed to emphasize the importance of the mark. It was this practice that led to the X representing a kiss.

As for the O, it represents the arms in a circle around another person which associated with hugs. The history of this symbol is yet a mystery. In "The Joys of Yiddish", it is noted that people at that time would generally sign a form with an X but the Jews preferred an O to avoid making something that looked like a cross.

I've noticed that nowadays we are very aware of any kind of hidden messages in any kind of mediums. Many have known about Lady Gaga's secret hidden messages in songs which have been haunting young minds for quite a long time (not excluding me). They always find a way to spread their beliefs and although we don't really have a big deal with it, somehow they manage to penetrate the idea in our life. Unfortunately, as usual we are always too late to be saved. When I've read about her Freemason-thingy, I still can't help myself from singing the Alejandro.

Now back to the topic. Maybe many of us have known this for a long while. I can say that a hundred and fifty years ago, they had a vision that the term XOXO would last at least until 2010. They just put a nice name and unique interpretation of 'Kisses and Hugs' and passed it through generations. If you said that yeah, you've never meant to kiss the bible or be a Jew so that you still can 'Hugs and Kisses', well then you should start celebrating the Valentine's Day.

Pardon me if my personal opinion offenses any parties. But like Ejan said, "Don't trust the Google." Maybe there's another explanation for this. PEACE! No war (^^,)


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