Cleopatra and Medusa

I've just googled about Cleopatra.

She was the last Egyptian pharaoh.

She tested various deadly poisons on condemned persons and animals for daily entertainment.

She concluded that the bite of the asp was the least terrible way to die.

She finally committed suicide by means of an asp bite.

Then I googled about the asp.

It's a reptile or a snake.

And I found another myth.

The Medusa was beheaded by Perseus.

After killing Medusa, he used his winged boots to transport the head to Mount Olympus.

It is said that as he was flying over Egypt, some of her blood fell to the ground which transfered into asps.

Then I searched about Medusa.

It had something to do with the Poseidon (God of the Sea).

Ok, I think that's enough of info.


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