Update Bilik Tidur Saya

A week later......

The gay couple, Dodo and Doly are on the bed, performing fellatio all day long.

Found a small nice table and look at the chair! Who says Warta has nothing? Put ya hands down please. It's really an adult chair btw.

Pink rack, pink mirror, pink hair brush, pink photos frame, pink *blush*.

And pink hand made curtain, pink bench with half naked mannequin, extremely powerful standing fan. Ala-ala kipas sate kajang.

The got-everything-orange-wardrobe. I can't find the pink/red version. So don't you think that orange may look like red a lil bit?

Been dreaming to own this since in Germany. The classic wood one would cost me 60 bugs. I found this kid version for only 30 bugs. Just grabbed it and I'm satisfied.

View from the entrance. I feel so fresh whenever I step in. I was so sleepy during the exam but now, look who's posting an entry. Haha...Psychology.

View from the corner of this room. There'll be no major change for now. Wet PT tak masyuk agi r... Kawan2, jemput la datang umah kite. Nanti kite layan lek lok. Kite suh kawan2 blanje kite ye. Hehe ;)


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