20 years old virgin stalker

Hey you stalker!
Do you mind having a word with me?

1. You scared me till I peed.
I would reluctantly walk side by side with you. I know you've done nothing life threatening. Your obsession really eats you from inside and yes, it's quite pathetic.

2. I don't prefer to be an intermediate.
You are such a predator. I never see myself as a hot barbie puppet even 100 years from now. I am grateful when things finally exposed but I hate when every time these words keep flooding.


3. Do you always have motive?
Because since then, I always believe that everything has a motive. People, how do you treat them, when you know they are not walking 'freely' around you? I have a rush in my mind on what to do, how to behave and so on. But I'm not going to walk away, will you?

4. You're exposing yourself too much to me.
Now I know that it's all just a lie and lack of sincerity. You could have ruined one of the only best things I have in life. Thank God, it has been easier for me or I end up posting another series of '10 things I hate about your boyfriend' here.

5. I don't blame you totally. Everybody is just a mess.

Curiosity kills the cat. Credits to the owner.

There're some parts that come from me. So in an open heart, I put those blames on me.

Famous words of wisdom :

"When you want something so much, you never want to believe that what you do will never work. A lot of time, to have a new beginning is to give up before you realize that it's too late to have a fullstop."



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